google-site-verification: googlec79e1264c20fac82.html Aphorisms of Love for 2018 Latest Girlfriends - QUOTES

Aphorisms of Love for 2018 Latest Girlfriends - QUOTES

Aphorisms of Love for 2018 Latest Girlfriends - QUOTES

We will discuss Romantic Words. Words are someone's way of informing and communicating with other people. Through words, what you want can be conveyed well. Words are not just for something that is formal, even in everyday life words are needed to achieve a good life. Not only provides certain information and also communicates, words are also often used to convey a feeling to others. Whether it's to someone you love or someone you hate.

"On this piece of white paper, my ink always writes your name, which I then order in a verse of poetry to vent all my longing for you. In fact, my longing is confused in finding your place of residence that often disappears like a dusk that removes one's shadow. "

Aphorisms of Love for 2018 Latest Girlfriends - QUOTES
"I say good morning greetings to you who are there. Although only through space and cyberspace we can greet each other. However, there will always be hope to be able to meet in the real world and everything I have left in the prayer chain. " "Now, my longing has been lost and limped while not knowing the way to go home." "Everything about the feeling I have written on the sheet of paper with the title of poetry." "Teach me how to be able to love you properly so that there will be no more whispering of the devil I hear." "In fact we are only friends, but somehow I feel very comfortable. Even though there is a distance between us that makes this heart unable to move. " "I have fallen in love again. To someone and I don't want him to leave. God please rebuke me when I am wrong and I will try to yield. " "It's about life. Regarding how strong the fire for the spirit is not easy to dim. It's about struggle, how much can we be able to survive. It's about life, not looking for an excuse to run away from reality. "

"People who are serious will always hold your hand under any circumstances, and those who are serious will always be faithful in praying for you at any time." "Long time no see, your eyes are still as beautiful as those on your finger." "Broken heart is a normal thing, what's amazing is the effort to move on." "If I am born as a writer, then don't be surprised if I will write your name in my books." "When my feelings are no longer able to write through words, only this heart will speak, also the prayer I speak in silence with it. I hope we will soon be united in a legitimate marriage bond. " "And the love born of the two broken hearts that later destiny unites them again." "Thousands of fireworks echoed in the sky this morning, a new chapter of our journey will begin. I will always fight to be able to defend you while you are loudly wanting to forget me. " "You are like gold which is very meaningful in life. Your present brings valuable value and dear if I leave it. All is a time of taste and will still be a taste " "You are like a painting that is very beautiful and pleasant to look at. However, many people mistakenly interpret your beautiful painting. And I will be the first to see the painting in the morning until my night. " "Only you are able to create happiness in yourself when many people are unable to make it happen. And only you understand all the desires and the best things for me. "

"Often a person decides to pause giving an appreciation and attention to someone is nothing but to be aware of how much the person's attention is for him."

"The most important thing in this life is not to regret anything or bad things ever experienced. Because you have become so now because of the things you've been through in the past. "

"Mourn for love is commonplace. Not a few young men blinded and muted by love. However, when you feel in the most vulnerable position, the best and easiest thing to do is to seek the power and guidance of the Most Merciful. "

"In any case, even if it is a break, then do not feel lonely and alone. Surely you are not really alone. There will be a God of the True Ruler who always accompanies. "

"Be aware that often someone is away from you not because he really hates you, but he's trying to avoid something called a wound."

"Falling in love is complicated. Often love demands you not to be yourself. In fact, the pride of a love is when he is able to be himself and after that he is rewarded. "

"Do you know that the greatest couple is a couple who can survive in the likes or sorrows. The couple can stay together even though the storm hit. And stay true even though the distance and time separates them both. That's what's called true love. "

"Because I strongly believe that everything that comes from God is good, even though one of them is losing you."

"Forgetting you is not an easy thing, because it cannot be denied that in my loneliness and solitude, I still think about you."

"One two dimensions look happy without the sadness that lies behind the real dimension."

"The match is like a thesis that requires multiple revisions at a university known as the university of life. Then it comes to the stage of the determining session regarding whether or not someone is heading to the aisle. "

"Bitter because of being betrayed is always giving a lesson. But we must realize that friendship is everything and forever. Therefore all will be back as fine as ever.

"There is still a day for us to complete the story accompanied by a string of prayers. And if I no longer present memories so I can cover all the sub-chapters of longing with conclusions containing a smile of happiness and willingness. "

"When you are scattered in a row of poems that I make, but in my day you will always be eternal and neatly arranged in the deepest room."

"When time refuses to unite, but our hearts force to wait and I will without hesitation choose to want you, do you still have concern for me?"

"Forgetting is known as the most difficult thing. Actually because of a simple factor, that you have never learned to forget before. "

"The most important thing in this life is to be grateful for what you currently have. Then make all your past memories and learning to be the best person in the future. "

"When you are meeting someone who is able to wipe away your sadness and tears, then keep him because he might be the best person for you."

"Do you know that what is actually called hurt is not only because of love. There are many people who let go of what is still in their grasp because he feels that it will be the best choice. "

"Everything that is happening in this mortal world is learning that God gives to all humans to be a better person and even perfect."

"Never waste someone who is truly sincere and sincere to you because one day you will regret that decision."

"It becomes a very difficult thing if we fall in love with someone but do not know how best to maintain that feeling at all."

"Many people wonder about happiness. But happiness itself is still abstract and difficult to define. However, happiness is something that should be picked up, not awaited. Then pick your own happiness. 

"Never feel bored when some of your time runs out to make others happy. Even though later you have to let it go so you can really make it happy. " "When loving someone, don't be limited to loving what is the advantage. But love is also the weakness. Because then, there will be a complementary process and that is what is known as perfection of love. " "When you get bored waiting for someone, remember that your trip is very long and it would be a pity if it didn't continue." "Morning is the best time to reflect. However, don't let you lose your morning favors to reflect on things that are a barrier to your future. " "Love seems to be a major need for humans. But humans can still live without love. This life is nothing but an experience where love will be one of the strands of memories between me and him. " "Don't go after all this time back because it will make you feel the real weight of your heart."
beautiful words

"I really like writing. And I really like the rounds and swings of words that are interwoven in human emotions so beautifully. " "I started the morning with a string of al-Fatihah on soft lips by praising him for all the blessings given in this blessed week accompanied by a thousand strands of prayer." "You are like a rainbow at dusk that looks very beautiful but disappears for a moment." "I thank you. At least there are those of you who always create loose laughter in me in the midst of all the lara and wounds that exist. I find happiness in simplicity with you. " "Lies on paper will rest on an easy-to-hurt heart." "This morning I don't want to sue you about promises. Let you feel yourself using your heart so that you will understand the meaning of true love that is pure " "The window that you deliberately closed is all the seeds that grow and every taste that teaches me about jealousy." "At least I and you sailed on the same ship and we both don't know where the waves will carry." "Never again can you heal me with your wound. Honestly, I don't want to share the wound with the person who is the source of my wound.

"Often a decision to stop and be quiet does not mean an expression of surrender. But that is nothing but an awareness that everything between two people cannot continue. And stopping is the best way. " "Alone, it seems like you get a wound. However, being close and close to someone who turns out to have no attention at all is more torturous. " "To be able to understand the beauty of being loved, you should learn how to love. Because in both of them there are things that cannot be released at all. " "Behind a failure in reaching dreams and desires, you must be sure that all of your decisions are the best for your life and future." "The hardest in life is when everything that becomes our dream is believed, but it goes unplanned." "Loving is indeed incised a separate wound. However, there are beautiful things that cannot be expressed when someone chooses to love. And that is what is called the beauty of love. " "Leaning on your shoulder is the best way when everything feels dark and unfriendly. And only you are the only place to lean the best I've ever met. " "I chose you not for some reason. My choice for you is nothing but everything that is in you. " "Never regret love that does not end according to your own desires. Because of it you learn about the meaning of a sacrifice, waiting and sincerity.

That is a review of romantic words that can be used as a reference or reference when you will reveal a romantic word to your partner. With these romantic words, you will be more meaningful in the presence of a partner and proficient in expressing your heart by using beautiful words. May be useful"
